Changes to Google’s Search Page Design

Changes to Google’s Search Page Design

Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes… Notice anything different today about Google’s patented search page design?  A new Google+  Share button now appears in the top right corner.  If you don’t yet see the button, have no fear it is being rolled out to all users this...
Mozilla Releases Firefox 10

Mozilla Releases Firefox 10

Today Mozilla released Firefox 10 Update of its open-source web browser, available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.  Version 10 includes a handful of new features and improvements. The most notable change for the average user is a minor adjustment to the browser...
Open DNS Announces DNSCrypt

Open DNS Announces DNSCrypt

DNSCrypt is a piece of lightweight software that everyone should use to boost online privacy and security.  It works by encrypting all DNS traffic between the user and OpenDNS, preventing any spying, spoofing or man-in-the-middle attacks. It should be of particular...